domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2017

Something you did last Weekend

Hi guys welcome again to my blog, In this chance I want to share with all you my experience in a weekend at my home, maybe this Will be a Little boring, but I hope to writte the  funniest possible

My weekend wasn´t  funny,rather I´d say was bored because I dedicated my free time mainly to study for the university, specially to read any texts about politic ecology and to know more about of debate in the class. Also I was listening to music and podcast for to improve my english level. Maybe that can sound a Little boring, but this achieve enjoy me always that I do.
During theses 3 days I was at my home join my family, although we came out to grandmother´s house and visit her and my aunt. The family meeting was great because unless I and my brother  didn´t visit a lot of time to my grandmother and that day we were: My mom, my dad, my brother and I. We were hanging out that day Sunday because my grandmother  prepare us a chocolate cake for the dinner and was very tasty. After we had played  playing card, but I lost because I am bad playing  these kind of plays meanwhile my mon won, although I like  the lottery as play and any of random.
I think  that my weekend was bored in reality  I am waiting for the summer for to go out the weekend to any park, cinema or theater.

That was my weekend, bye everyone!
 See you soon!

2 comentarios:

  1. jejej what a big lie, I know that you were lying on the couch of your house, seeing "LA ROSA DE GUADALUPE".. ejjeje is a prank
