Today I think to talk again about of my weekend and say you of my funny and bored activites in that period.
The last friday after of to go of the university I though in walk a bit for the santiago center, I went of my class and walked since Lastarria until plaza de armas, and after of there until Los heroes subway, that day was very amazing because I started again to do exercises as always I did a weeks before, I arrived at my home and I dedicated my time to do homeworks and to see more videos in english for my practice, my mother always ask me how you are in your english? I always say her, I am improve each time more. Sincerally I have not done many things, also in the afternoon I went to bedroom to play pokemon go with mi brother, we was for a time, my weekend was dedicated mainly for to make a assignment of the universities, there activities as when I practice english, my mother look at me confused because she doesn´t about of that language nor the topic, well I can learn something but I think that I am better than some 2 years ago before, the sunday I turned on the TV I watched a programm in english and again I was practice, Later with my family watched the olympic games and wanted to see to Chile to win some medal, On Mo
Good bye!
See you soon! I wait that you are well!